Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Eleven months

Well, as you can see I have become a big girl! Eleven months old already! It sure has gone by fast. I remember being very little and not doing much. Who knew life would be so exciting?! I love being a big girl. I walk and climb. I jump and I dance. I get to wear big girl shoes and walk outside. When I am not wearing them, I like to eat them. I can say Mamma and Dadda and Rarrghgh! (That is what my friend Leon the Lion says.) I LOOOOVe to laugh. I do it all the time. I am learning how to communicate with Mommy by using my hands. She thinks I am brilliant. I can tell her I am all done and can wave bye bye. I have a new high chair and have been eating meals with Mommy and Daddy. I like fruit and noodles and yogurt. Oh and cheese! I love cheese. Really, this being a big girl is soooooo much fun. I can not wait until next month. Mommy says we are going to have a Butterfly party! She seems pretty excited about it. I am wondering what this "cake" thing is and can't wait to try it!

I gotta go Mommy! I have things to do!
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