Monday, November 03, 2008

Murder Mystery

So the friend I have that plans all these terrific play dates, also plans terrific adult play dates! She invited us to a Murder Mystery party. It was soooo much fun. It is set in the 20's in a Chicago nightclub. Everyone is assigned a character and you are given a role and tasks to play. I was Dina Diva a lounge singer trying to make it into Hal Hollywood's (Josh) new "talkie".
Josh was so committed to his part that he shaved his goatee!
These were the other cast of characters! Some of them I have never even met and still don't know their real names!
Everyone did such a good job. One girl never broke character and was flirting with Josh all night...She was great. But my husband, the one who usually is squeamish at the thought of acting in public....was so good he won the "drama queen" award of the night. It was really a great evening. Elia was asleep in the next room for at least three hours and then crashed the party!
(you can click on the collages to see them bigger)
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