Sunday, August 10, 2008

La Leche League picnic

This was World Breastfeeding Week and the local chapter of La Leche League had a picnic.
Elia in her Daddy chair
Several businesses made donations for a raffle. Some of my new friends here encouraged me to donate a gift certificate for a centerpiece. So I did an example of a Thanksgiving centerpiece and donated a gift certificate. Unfortunately they did not have the turn out that they expected and so the raffle was postponed for the next La Leche meeting, where we hope more woman attend. (There is a chiropractic package I really want to win! LOL) So I had hoped to advertise a little more but it was good practice and I gave the arrangement to a woman that just moved into a brand new house as a house warming gift. It also really "put it out there" and I was considered a REAL business!

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