Elia is three months old today. She has grown soooo much. People love to tell me how chubby and big she is. (Why do people feel compelled to say that?) She is even more alert now then ever and wants to be moving all the time. She really wants to sit up and gets frustrated when she falls over. She also really likes to stand up. Her favorite thing to do is still to stare at ceiling fans. Heck, even just the ceiling alone has produced a cackle. She is starting to laugh a lot and makes all kinds of hilarious noises. Josh and I think she was an old man in a past life with emphysema and lost his dentures. She enjoys being outside and like her mother, loves to people watch. Everyday she makes some new discovery; her hands, feet, that toy makes a funny noise, if I make this noise mommy will pick me up. She has had her first earache too. Hope that does not become a common occurrence because she was really cranky. Every now and then I sit back and stare at her. She is really here. Three months ago we actually brought her into existence and I cannot believe it. It is truly amazing. Josh and I enjoy every second with her and are so grateful for having her.

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