Saturday, April 28, 2007

Goodbye Mexico. We will miss you. We are off to Costa Rica today. We plan on celebrating our anniversary tomorrow and get to know San Jose. For the first week we will be staying at a Bed and Breakfast. Josh starts work on Monday. Hopefully we will find an apartment soon and then I can settle in to find a place to work and take Spanish classes. We will keep you all updated.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

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Check out Josh's new haircut!
They made your salsa right at the table.

We have had some amazing meals this month. Josh took me out for my birthday to the most amazing restaurant.

Monday, April 16, 2007

I was surprised to see that our wedding photographer featured our wedding on his new website. Our big group photo is on it and two great photos of my niece and nephew. I can not believe it was a year ago!
Check it out.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Hey everyone! These recent blogs are all out of order. I am still learning the best way to use this site. But hope you enjoy them. We are gearing up for our move to Costa Rica. We leave on the 28th so we will spend our one year anniversary in San Jose looking for an apartment! I am not complaining. This first year has been a roller coaster but in the fun let's do it again until we throw up kind of way! How many newly weds have lived in two states and two counties in their first year of marriage? Pretty nice. Soo we will be in San Jose, Costa Rica for four months and then return to South Carolina for one more semester. After that we really are not sure so we will keep you posted.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

We arrived in Guanajuato after an actually delightful bus ride. The hotel arrangements I had made online were a disaster. Even though we had confirmed the reservation, they really didn't have a room for us. We also were dooped by the internet pictures that were probably taken in 1980. So we set out to find other arrangements. Armed with our trusty travel guide "The Lonely Planet", we found another hostel. It was a 300 year old guest house. We dropped the small fib that we were on our honeymoon and the owner gave us the big room at the top of the house. We were so happy with ourselves but the owner disturbed our nap to tell us that there was some sort of mistake with reservations and someone had already paid for this room. So we were sent down to the dungeon. This was literally a cave. You can see the entrance on the slide show. The place was run by a great woman, Pita who made us a delicious breakfast and chatted with us. I was glad to finally practice my Spanish. Guanajuato is a beautiful city that has small streets and alleys and colorfully painted houses. This was the Mexico we were searching for all this time. It was loaded with travelers for Semana Santa(Easter Week). We visited a house that Diego Rivera lived in that also had early paintings and drawings he did. Callejon De Beso is a small alleyway where the balconies were so close that two forbidden lovers were able to kiss across the alley.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

San Miguel is an amazing town. It has so much to offer its visitors. You can take art, yoga, dance, and cooking classes. There are a lot of expats there but we saw just as many Mexicans taking advantage of the magical town for their vacation. The restaurants alone are reason enough to visit. Josh and I enjoyed the food tremendously and the extra pounds were well worth it. We visited a natural hot springs out of the city and there are a million art galleries

Easter is a serious holiday here. There were many processions and it was a sight to be seen. They carry these statues all over town and it is a huge honor to carry them. This procession was about the trial of Jesus. They had people dressed up as prisoners and even were whipping them. There was a broadcasted mass beforehand. The town was swarming with people this day and they solemnly watched. It was an amazingly strange experience.

We arrived in San Miguel de Allende in the afternoon. This time it was us that had paid for a room and there was someone in it. The owner claims this has never happened before. Hmmm. Well I was upset and pulled the honeymoon card again and she put us up in a friend’s house. We had the place to ourselves since the owner was away for the week. It turns out that it was owned by an American woman that normally gives cooking classes in her home and I had tried to contact her for classes but she was not giving them that week. She also owns a restaurant in town. We got one of her cookbooks and look forward to trying her recipes. So once we got settled we walked around town to find a place that might show the College basketball championship! Josh’s school had made it to the finals again and we had to watch it. We found a place that put it up on the big screen and we had a really great time. Many other tourists joined us and we won! Josh was a happy camper.